Your path to optimal health

Ayurvedic massage
Ayurvedic massage is a harmonising approach that uses traditional therapeutic practices to balance doshic elements within the body-mind. Key areas of the physical body are targeted for their energetic qualities and receptivity to massage and marma point (energetic nadi junctions) stimulation to optimise the flow of prana (subtle life-force energy) within the body. The practices used are incredibly relaxing and can be experienced as a self-care treat, or treatment to target more specific needs, or areas of imbalance.

Shiro abhyanga
Shiro (head) abhyanga (oil massage)
This ancient therapeutic practice has been used in India for over 5000 years to harmonise physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Specific energy channels are stimulated to facilitate pranic energy flow, and physical function within the neck, head, scalp, cranial fascia, eyes, sinuses, lymphatic vessels and nervous system.
This 40 min warm black sesame oil treatment is great for:
- Relaxation
- Headaches
- Migraines
- Neck pain
- Lymphatic congestion
- Brain fog
- Mental clarity
- Stress
- Sleep
- Post-viral recovery

Pada abhyanga
Pada (foot) abhyanga (oil massage)
In Ayurveda, feet are the foundation of the body, offering essential structural and functional support. As our feet literally hold us up, stress and tension can accumulate in joints and connective tissues. Whilst we may not ‘feel’ this in the conscious awareness of day-to-day life, it can reveal itself when attention is given to the feet through the application of pressure to marma points and the various energetic channels throughout each foot. Any weakness, overwhelm, or dis-ease held here is thought to affect the whole body-mind and may be felt as pain, discomfort, sensory, or emotional impairment.
Available as a 40-minute harmonising self-care treat, and effective recovery treatment following foot injury, surgery, and rehabilitation strategy following reconstructive surgery. Pada abhyanga uses warm white (harmonising), or black (therapeutic) sesame, or other medicated oil and a bronze Kansa bowl to restore balance, activate immune system responses, promote better sleep, increase blood and lymphatic circulation, and contribute to digestive and eye health.
Choose an add on Ayurvedic hand massage (Hasta abhyanga) to target complementary marma point stimulation as an ultimate joint care treatment for the feet, legs, hands, and arms.

Mukh abhyanga
Mukh (face) abhyanga (oil massage)
This incredible Ayurvedic treatment consists of three elements that collectively treat skin tissues, lymphatic vessels, lymphatic nodes, circulation, and the sense organs:
- Castor oil cleanse and lymphatic massage
- Marma point treatment
- Jojoba oil kansa wand massage
The face holds a large proportion of the lymphatic, waste clearing circulation and is significant in overall immune, circulatory and sense organ function. Ayurvedic face massage is light and gentle, acting not only as a natural face lift, but effectively treats lymphatic congestion, tissue repair, sinus troubles, headaches, neuralgia, jaw tension, insomnia, and conditions that can dull the sense organs.
The bronze tipped Kansa wand and warm jojoba oil create gentle friction through facial muscles, lymphatic vessels, cutaneous nerves, and fascia throughout the face, helping to draw excess acid and toxicity from the skin, whilst balancing electrical energy and soothing nerves. This stimulating yet calming therapy connects you to subtle presence and a sense of clarity.

Hasta abhyanga
Hasta (hand) abhyanga (oil massage)
Ayurvedic hand massage is a soothing and relaxing practice that is particularly therapeutic in inflammatory joint conditions such as arthritis (rheumatoid and osteo), fibromyalgia, and repetitive strain injury (RSI). When used as a regular therapy, the energetic and lymphatic clearing effects of hasta abhyanga also help arm and shoulder pain.
Available as an ‘add on’ treatment with head, foot, and face massage, or integrated component of yoga therapy bodywork.