Your path to optimal health
Body-mind therapy
iRest® is a contemporary adaptation of yoga nidra (guided relaxation meditation) that integrates knowledge of clinical psychology and neuroscience with the key principles and techniques of traditional yoga nidra. This evidence-based approach provides techniques to firstly guide, then help you inquire into your current, unique sensory experiences to help acknowledge what is present and how it manifests in the body and mind.
Stress, anxiety, depression & trauma support
With guided ‘treatment’ sessions – iRest® enables you to meet each moment of your life with a greater sense of peace and wellbeing, no matter how challenging or difficult the situation. iRest® principles are simple to learn and practice, regardless of ability or experience with meditation or mindfulness practices. Once learned, the inner resource becomes an anchor to the experience of safety that is necessary to explore and welcome all sensations in the body.
One-to-one therapy sessions guide you through the process, help you acknowledge what is present, what has happened, and learn to acknowledge the impact of trauma, beliefs and values on the experiences of body-mind. In this way we identify self-care strategies to manage stress, anxiety, depression, and traumatic triggers by coming to know, and understand their root cause(s).
The practice of iRest® was developed by Dr. Richard Miller, a spiritual teacher, author, yogic scholar, researcher and clinical psychologist and is practiced and taught by thousands of people worldwide in a wide range of settings, including health centres, schools, community centres, yoga studios, correctional facilities and military hospitals. iRest® has been shown to be effective in scientific trials for conditions including chronic pain, sleep problems, depression and anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Jane has worked with countless individuals experiencing current, life-long, reactive, and recurrent anxiety and trauma symptoms to enable them to acknowledge, understand, and question subconscious beliefs that arise from experience(s). When these beliefs, or values are clearer, their validity often wains, doesn’t belong, or isn’t relevant in present day life. Guided iRest therapy helps move these beliefs from felt truth, to past, untrue beliefs that no longer serve us.