Jun 1, 2022 | Bodywork, Movement, Pain relief

A common and debilitating diagnosis. Frozen shoulder is a painful, restrictive condition - particularly common in women and can be associated with hormonal changes and increase in inflammation associated with menopause and perimenopause. Read about one client’s experience of relief and hope with yoga therapy.

Frozen shoulder

This is an all too common diagnosis for pain &/or movement restriction affecting the shoulder…particularly in women. There also seems to be a causal relationship between shoulder pain and peri-menopause / menopausal changes in hormone levels and inflammatory mediators & women’s sensitivity to these in this stage of life development.

The term often reflects an imbalance in mobility to stability through multiple structures that can lead to protective habits and compensatory movement patterns that become detrimental in longer-term conditions.

The term frozen shoulder is often used – but is an umbrella term that covers a huge variation in cause, presentation and manifestation of shoulder and upper arm pain.


Read about Lynn’s experience – it may sound familiar & offer some hope if you’re struggling with arm & shoulder restriction:

“I have been going through a long, painful and often disheartening rehab journey for my shoulder:

* 3 physios,

* many X-rays and ultrasounds,

* 1 orthopaedic specialist

* 2 pilates instructors

* 2 massage therapists

* and 3 years of not giving up

…to finally get diagnosed with an “unstable shoulder”

Just as I thought I’d have to live with recurring episodes of subluxation and pain I was referred to Hugh (Chiropractor) at MoveWell, and then to Jane (Yoga therapist). Both clinicians are very knowledgeable in their fields, and their gentle, patient care has progressed my recovery beyond feeling stuck. Most recently Jane’s thoughtful teaching style, using an integrative approach, has helped me “connect the dots”, I am relearning how to move my whole body, rather than just perform strengthening exercises on single muscles – very different from my previous physio regimes – and I am finally feeling hopeful that shoulder pain need not be a frequent, lifelong problem.”

Lynn Faulkner – Google review April 2022

If you’d like to know more & see if yoga therapy might be able to help you contact Jane or click here to book an appointment

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