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Your path to optimal health

massage for breath work

About Jane

& why yoga therapy

EDd | MEd | BSc | Registered Yoga Therapist | RYT Level4 | Yoga teacher trainer | iRest L1 | practitioner MLD therapist |

Yoga therapist, educator, and health care provider Dr Jane Hardcastle has been helping people with their health for over thirty years. Originally qualifying as a registered nurse in the UK, Jane has held senior nursing, education and leadership roles in England, Scotland, and New Zealand before bringing this skillset, knowledge, and experience together as a yoga teacher and registered yoga therapist over the last ten years.

What is yoga therapy?

Yoga therapy is a multidimensional approach that integrates relevant aspects of medical and yogic sciences to help each person find their path to optimal health. Using Western and Eastern approaches, yoga therapy offers a complete system to evaluate health from physical, psychological, emotional and energetic perspectives.

Yoga therapy is a supportive, educational system that can assist you to understand and minimise, if not eliminate, pain, discomfort or ‘unease’ that can develop from unhelpful movement, breath, psychological, or lifestyle habits, and existing health conditions.

Disease finds its way ‘out’ as symptoms, problems, or constraints.
Yoga therapy finds a way ‘in’ to optimal health that works for you

Using principles of biomechanics, anatomy, physiology and applied pathophysiology (disease) alongside the holistic philosophies of yoga, and Ayurveda [link to blog], yoga therapy offers a complete system to evaluate health from physical, psychological, emotional and energetic perspectives. This adaptive blend recognises that:

Health is more than the absence of disease

…as such, yoga therapy offers a responsive, individualised approach that can support, rather than replace conventional approaches to health care.

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