Your path to optimal health

Dermo (skin) Neuro (nerve) Modulation (creating change) is:
(founder Diane Jacobs-https://dermoneuromodulation.com/)
DNM is a non-noxious (no pain) approach to mobilisation and lasting pain relief that uses slow, light, kind, intelligent, responsive, and effective techniques. It is based on the principles of cutaneous (skin) nerve networks and the implications of nerve impingement and release to minimise, if not eradicate nociceptive pain throughout the human body.
Gentle, sustained skin traction over 1-2 minutes creates a change in associated tissue tension to release trapped nervous system energy, mobilise tissues and create greater range of movement with ease. These cutaneous nerves connect all the way into the spinal cord taking sensory information from the outside environment to the central nervous system where a response is elicited via motor (movement) nerves. When information coming from the skin is distorted (cutaneous nerve impingement) it affects motor output – manifesting in painful and / or restricted movement. DNM works from the source of brain information; the skin to change input to influence the body’s reactions and movement strategies.

DNM is used as an integrative strategy within yoga therapy sessions where appropriate to enable functional movement to be achieved and unhelpful, painful habits to be changed.