Zucchini Kasundi

Zucchini Kasundi

A delicious spiced Indian relish with immune, metabolic, and digestive health benefits – use as it is, or as a base for a delicious coconut, or tomato based curry. A great way to preserve a variety of excess vegetables or fruit for a tasty, long lasting pantry staple.

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Overactive upper traps?

Overactive upper traps?

If you commonly find your shoulders migrate up to your ears, shoulder muscles are tired and tight, or headaches and upper back tension are frequent companions, read on for some self-care yoga therapy tips and to retrain dominant upper trapezius muscles.

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Post viral recovery

Post viral recovery

Viral ilnesses like covid, colds and flu deplete our metabolic resources and can leave us feeling slow, sludgy, bogged down and in need of quick sources of energy from our food and drinks. However, the crash that comes after high energy foods enhances the abundant qualities of Kpaha dosha that can hang around, sapping energy levels and motivation. Learn how to restore energy balance by eating well.

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Ayurveda explained

Ayurveda explained

Understanding Ayurvedic principles, dosha type (elemental constitution), and the specific signs of balance and imbalance for you can help you to chose the ‘right’ path to optimal health, and a supportive lifesytyle to avoid dis-ease. Read on to learn about Vata, Pitta and Kapha dosha and the elemental qualities that can guide self-care and wellbeing strategies.

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Mindful eating

Mindful eating

Think differently about being present with your food to support energy, eat less to feel full, and boost digestion. Bringing awareness to how we eat can change our whole experience, and satisfaction with food…bringing mindfulness into every bite.

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