Take some time out for you for a stunning 3-day yoga, dance, meditation, and breathwork retreat in Mount Lyford – alpine village.
Pelvic pain
Whether it’s adenomyosis, endometriosis, fibroids, perimenopause, or post surgical recovery – pelvic pain can create a debilitating cycle of inflammation, immobility, restriction, more pain, and more inflammation. Yoga therapy can open up the possibility of fuller breath, subtle pelvic floor and diaphragmatic activation and the movement required to minimise back pain, pelvic tension, and bladder weakness.
Overactive upper traps?
If you commonly find your shoulders migrate up to your ears, shoulder muscles are tired and tight, or headaches and upper back tension are frequent companions, read on for some self-care yoga therapy tips and to retrain dominant upper trapezius muscles.
Frozen shoulder
A common and debilitating diagnosis. Frozen shoulder is a painful, restrictive condition – particularly common in women and can be associated with hormonal changes and increase in inflammation associated with menopause and perimenopause. Read about one client’s experience of relief and hope with yoga therapy.
Breaststroke & hip health
Sore hips can be a real pain, especially when we add the weight of gravity into movement. Immersion and supported movement in water can create greater range or movement with less or no irritation and reduced pain from stiff and sore joints.